《光环:渡鸦小队(The Halo: Fireteam Raven)》的配套设备绝对是气势十足——两台65英寸的1080P显示器拼接在一起,塑造出了巨大的宽屏游戏区。四个驾驶舱般的座椅被围绕在了闪烁的光环中,每个座位的面前都架有一台装饰着LED灯的沉重机枪塔——当你扣动扳机时它们还会改变颜色。这样的外观的确非常独特,而游戏本身的内容也使它变得表里如一。
《光环:渡鸦小队》目前暂时只能在Dave and Buster's餐厅里玩到,四名玩家将在《光环:战斗进化(Halo: Combat Evolved)》的基础之上,拥有更多的武器选择。战役的总体流程大约为45分钟,游戏的体验显得非常欢乐。我先是在4人模式下通关了全部6个任务,然后再以双人模式体验了游戏前半段的内容。和其他的多人游戏一样,只有当每个角色都由真人操控时你才能够获得最棒的游戏体验,但是AI们也会自动填补空缺,所以人手不足也不会带来什么额外的负担。玩家们并不需要进行什么实质上的合作,每个人只要守好属于自己的那片区域就行了。所以即便你对《光环(Halo)》系列一无所知,也不会造成什么影响。
Halo: Fireteam Raven is a cooperative arcade sci-fi shooting game set in the timeframe of Halo: Combat Evolved. The game hot-drops players feet first into the boots of Fireteam Raven -- a group of elite Orbital Drop Shock Troopers (ODST) on the surface of Alpha Halo fighting alongside the Master Chief and the rest of the UNSC as they try desperately to prevent the alien Covenant alliance from taking control of the ancient superweapon -- Halo. <p> Halo: Fireteam Raven is housed in a massive, epic, and imposing coin-operated arcade machine designed and built by Raw Thrills and Play Mechanix in close collaboration with 343 Industries. An enormous 130-inch, 4k screen experience and four turret-mounted, multipurpose machine guns allow four players to fight Covenant troops, spacecraft, and vehicles, encounter the horrifying “Flood” infestation -- and save the galaxy in frenetic, explosive combat. <p> As an added bonus, players will be able easily scan a QRC code with their phones and connect their arcade experience to their overall Halo identity online on Halo Waypoint -- and compete with their friends and rivals for high scores on this challenging and thrilling game.
游戏的每一关都不算长,却都展现出了真正的街机感。你将手持《光环》系列中那些经典的武器,与精英、咕噜人、豺狼、蝠虹兽、洪魔等敌人战斗。我非常高兴能够以这样的方式来重温初代《光环》,其中的某些场景的确让人想起了士官长的初次冒险。游戏的画面也非常不错,虽然比不上《光环5(Halo 5)》但是对于一款街机游戏来说也已经足够优秀了。游戏在运行的过程中一直稳定在了60帧,而且从来没有出现过掉帧的情况。